Yesterday I walked 18 miles, 12 miles up and down a 6% grade. I made it. It wasn’t easy, but it was beautiful! I crested the hill and saw Roosevelt Lake, a deep blue crescent in the valley. Breathtaking… Or maybe that was just me out of breath from the assent.
My hosts on Monday night were so gracious. Larry had just gotten back from a bike race in Mexico and had gifts for Susan. He bought them with the prize money he won in the race. Even though he must have been tired from his own adventure, they accompanied me on my first mile or two of my big walk yesterday.
Then I ended the evening with a free meal at Boston’s Lake House Grill, delicious! I just went in to see what they had and didn’t see a lot of vegetarian options on the menu. So I started to leave. They pulled me back inside and the cook whipped up some very yummy pan fried veggies. We took photos, laughed, talked about my crazy project and had a great time.
On the walk back to the motel room, I was dead tired, but stopped to talk with the woman who runs the Spring Creek RV park/motel. We talked about small towns, not locking your doors and the kindness that still thrives out there in the world. She offered me to stay another night if I need to. My next lodging is 25 miles from here. I won’t make it in one day… so that was a welcome offer. I’ll see if I can find somewhere to stay 10 miles up the road, but it’s good to know I have a place if I need one.
Another great day on the road. People keep helping me in so many ways: free meals, lodging, handing me money, showing me around town, etc. Almost more kindness and charity than I can handle, my heart is bursting with goodwill.