Welcome to Walking Home: stories from the desert to the Great Lakes. May 1st can’t come soon enough!
I’ve been working on this project for three months. There are seven people collaborating with me to make Walking Home amazing: Enrique Vazquez-Woolfolk (website & design), Andrew Brown (video & photography), Dan Buckley (video), Danny Martin (original artwork), Megan Cox (sound design), Jamaica Cole (clothing design), and Emilie Marchand (clothing design). They are all wonderful artists and I appreciate their contributions more than I can say.
I’m so excited to walk with people and hear their stories, to stay in people’s homes and cook for them, and to maybe go to a county fair or a local hot spot. People, small towns, big cities, local attractions, farms, mountains, lakes and deserts, and the stories that live within them. I can’t wait to experience them all.
Please participate by watching the live feed or the videos, come walk with me or donate if you can.