Yesterday I made it 25 miles. My longest stretch by far. I headed out at 8am and my brother and his friends, Jake and Tomas, came up from Phoenix to walk with me in the afternoon. When they arrived, I’d already walked 15 miles. I was making good time, partly because I didn’t have to carry my giant pack. My hosts in Heber invited us to stay in their rental cabins. So, we dropped off my pack that morning in an incredibly charming cabin: leather couches, ruffled curtains, fireplace and elk antler door handles.
Without the pack, I felt light as air, and with the help of my walking companions, the last 10 miles were a joy. I love walking, and better yet, walking with company. Despite a narrow shoulder that forced us to trudge through brambles and tumble weeds, a very angry sunburn (I forgot to put on sunblock) and a flock of hungry mosquitos, it was one of my most enjoyable walking days.
Thank you Cam, Jake and Tomas!
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